St. Moses Feast 2020
Our church calls St. Moses, “the strong”, not only for his physical strength but also for his powerful repentance. Although he lived in all kinds of sin (thief, murderer, adulterer, violence) for more than 30 years and was so terrible of a slave that his master cast him out, he was constant in his repentance. He endured unceasing warfare from the devil and painful memories of his past life.
He became a father for many monks while alive and even after his death through his sayings and prayers for us in heaven.
What was the secret of his constant repentance? St. Isaac the Syrian compares repentance to a ship sailing through the sea of this world and getting hit by the waves of various struggles. The captain of the ship is the fear of God, without which nobody can arrive at the harbor safely.
We can achieve the fear of God through three things. Firstly, the remembrance of death. St. Sarah would say, “Before I put my feet on the second step of the stairs, I put death before me.” Secondly, the contrite and broken heart. St. Moses used to humiliate himself in all situations. He would also serve the other monks, considering himself to be the least of all. Through those efforts, the grace of God acted in his inner being and the fear of God lived inside his heart. Lastly, when we meditate on the beauty and glory of the kingdom to come and our beloved savior Jesus Christ. When we think of Christ and see Him waiting for our hearts to be wholly dedicated to Him, we do not disobey His commandments easily; it is when we turn our minds away from Him that we fall.
We have to encourage ourselves with all seriousness as we sail through the sea of this world. We cannot let any confusing or deceiving ideas be an obstacle in our way.
May the blessings of St. Moses the Strong and the prayers of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II grant us the power to live a life of repentance with steadfastness and a contrite and joyful heart, rejoicing always in our beloved Savior.